Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Politics Corner, January 28th

The President's lawyers finished their third day of testimony without adding anything new and not remotely coming close to using their allotted time. Pretty confident that Senate Republicans will vote to acquit.  We'll see if the Mustache or anyone else is called to testify. [Politico]

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Former Chief of Staff Kelly agrees that the leaked Bolton accusations are true. He's the same guy who warned Trump not to do what he did or he would get impeached so he was right at least once already. [CNN]

The pressure is strong for Republicans to say no to witnesses but the vote hasn't been called yet. I'm betting no vote will be called until McConnell has his 51 in line. [NBC]

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Republican Senators may not want more witnesses but three quarters of Americans do. Maybe this will bite them in the ass in November. [Quinnipiac]

NPR is standing by their reporters and wants an explanation from the State Department for the behavior of Pompeo. [NPR]

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