Sunday, December 8, 2019

Totally Tunes: You Know They Got A Hell Of A Band

Sometimes, my mind takes sort of a hard left turn into the weird and that's where we are today. My brother-in-law had recommended a new station for our area which specializes in music from the 60s, 70s & 80s and I gave it a few tries. Unfortunately, almost every time I turned it on, they were including 1974's recording of The Righteous Brothers' Rock 'n Roll Heaven in their play list. This song is so wrong on so many counts as far as taste goes...yet, it was part of the inspiration for Stephen King when he wrote You Know They Got A Hell Of A Band for his 1993 collection of short stories, Nightmares and Dreamscapes. I'm a die-hard fan of the master of horror stories but that one is not one of my favs from him.

Yet, after hearing the song so many times and reading that short story again, I got to thinking about all the great talent who has left this realm and I'd like for us to take a moment and remember them.

Share a few by some of your favorites who are no longer with us, no matter what genre or era. And don't worry about duplicating someone else's choice. Just share who you miss today.

A few of mine...

John Lennon  -- October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980

Marvin Gaye -- April 2, 1939 - April 1, 1984

George Harrison -- February 25, 1943 - November 29, 2001

Freddie Mercury -- September 5, 1946 - November 24, 1991

George Michael -- June 25, 1963 - December 25, 2016

Kurt Cobain -- February 20, 1967 - April 5, 1994

Stevie Ray Vaughan -- October 3, 1954 - August 27, 1990

Howlin' Wolf -- June 10, 1910 - January 10, 1976

Who do you miss? Any genre, any era.

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