Sunday, December 8, 2019

Politics Corner, December 8th

Throughout Trump's campaign for President and ever since he's taken office there was one thing he could always count on: media fascination with him. The media has finally noticed what it's been watching. [CNN]

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Impeachment begins again tomorrow morning. We'll have a live thread again. Impeachment in the House seems inevitable. The Senate is a different world and the Republicans who live there are not likely to be swayed by little things like the Constitution or facts. This means Trump will probably roam free in the White House until he is kicked out. I think the 2020 election is the Democrats' to lose (a problem in itself). Many are talking about how Clinton was more popular after he was impeached. What's been forgotten is that Clinton was popular to begin with and Trump has never been popular. Also, Clinton was smart. Trump is not.[NBC]

Those lying for Trump look more ridiculous every day. Today was Ted Cruz' turn. [Yahoo! News]

The Emoluments Clause is unlikely to figure in the Articles of Impeachment but Trump's violation of it will be examined in several Federal Courts. [USA Today]

Trump talks a big game about how the world laughs at us. He means because of President Obama and President Hillary Clinton (what? she wasn't President? you wouldn't know if you listen to Trump). We saw NATO laughing at Trump last week - and they are our friends. But it's much worse than that. The world isn't laughing at us because of Trump. They are ignoring us. [ABC]

This is where the wrong Scott Walker lives.
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Trump used the vilest anti-Semitic language at the Israeli-American Council and the audience laughed. [Independant]

Other Jewish groups are not laughing. They are outraged. [Newsweek]

The county that includes the capital of North Dakota may become the first in the nation to ban refugees. [AP]

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Trump is already convinced the FBI is out to get him. What's he gonna do when he finds out that the FBI is investigating the Saudi shooting at the Pensacola Navy Base as an act of terrorism (something which it does for just about everything)? [Reuters]

Everyone wants to do something about those hellacious hospital bills you get when you have to go to a hospital outside of your insurance (assuming you have insurance, otherwise it's just another hospital bill). Everyone wants to do something different and make somebody else pay for it. Supposedly the House and the Senate have found a way for everyone to get cake and ice cream. I won't believe it till it happens. [Politico]

The protests in Hong Kong began six months ago tomorrow and they show no sign of stopping. The last was the largest (several miles long!) in a while and happily peaceful. [BBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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