Saturday, December 7, 2019

Politics Corner, December 7th

There's been a lot of Fox outrage and some more thoughtful concerns about the Whitening of the Democratic Presidential field. One thing getting lost in this is the fact that any of the Democratic candidates (including the billionaires and the wackos) would be a huge step up from where we are right now. Not one of those Democratic candidates would bring White Supremacy into the White House. Here's a reminder that Stephen Miller still has a job working for Trump on our dime. [NBC]

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We're stuck in a rut of gun violence. Our flags are at half mast so often that I lose track of why this time. Pearl Harbor or Pensacola? Here in Wisconsin there were eight incidents with kids bringing guns to school to shoot people in a matter of days.. Some of those kids got shot refusing to surrender their guns. Thoughts and prayers are not enough. And we're not even getting those anymore. The Pensacola shooter was a Saudi soldier. Trump bowed to the Saudi apology, And that's what we're worried about now. US-Saudi relations. Not lost and shattered lives. [AP]

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Thought I forgot about Impeachment? Not a chance. We've got the Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment report from the Judiciary Committee of the House. And a story about it that's considerably shorter but has less of our favorite professor. [House Judiciary Committee] [CNN]

Giuliani crawled out of  the swamp in Washington to dive into the swamp in Ukraine. [Daily Beast]

And that's what Trump and Giuliani want to bring to Congress. [AP]

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In the UK at least one side is very concerned about Russian interference in their election. [Reuters]

Yet another reason we've got innocent people in jail is this ridiculous "Scientific Content Analysis" or SCAN that is anything but scientific. [ProPublica]

$3.9 million would be a lot of money in my pocket but it sure looked like small change when that's all the FAA fined Boeing for knowingly installing defective parts on the 737 NG. This after the now grounded 737 MAX which killed 346 people in two crashes? $3.9 billion wouldn't seem enough. [Reuters]

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Political discussion welcome.

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