Monday, December 2, 2019

Politics Corner, December 2nd

We got another information dump today courtesy of BuzzFeed's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. This is round 2 of the Mueller secret memos. BuzzFeed is suing to see under the redactions but there's plenty to wade through already and BuzzFeed kindly provides a few takeaways before dropping it in our laps. [BuzzFeed]

Germania Building
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Now McGahn must testify again. Let's see if this merry-go-round has brakes. [Talking Points Memo]

Rudy's rats are likely to face new criminal charges. [CNBC]

Trump campaign revoked Bloomberg News press credentials. [NBC]

Remember when Barr poisoned the water for the Mueller Report by claiming for two weeks that it didn't say what it said? He's now doing the same thing to the Inspector General's report on the Russia investigation. [The Hill]

For someone who doesn't believe his Justice Department is capable of meting out justice, Barr sure wants to kill people. An Appeals Court said no. [Reuters]

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A man was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. He served his time. ICE wanted to deport him but there's no where to deport him to. Invoking the PATRIOT Act we're keeping him in prison. Forever. [Daily Beast]

The allocated aid to Lebanon has been released. There's no explanation why it was held up. There's no explanation why it was released now. [AP]

Rep. Duncan Hines Hunter has plead guilty and will resign from congress. Stop the hunt: the witch confessed. [Union-Tribune]

New Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot fired the Police Superintendent for a host of reasons but whether it's stated or not it was all about the shooting of Laquan McDonald by a white police officer and the need for change. [Tribune]

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The gun control case before the US Supreme Court could be loaded with blanks. The Court agreed to hear the case before the law in question was repealed. That left the case on the docket with no point in hearing it. [NBC]

Los Angeles will need someone new to tackle their homeless problem. The new person will be pressured to reduce homelessness in the face of California's housing shortage. Good luck with that. [Reuters]

Milwaukee's tent city was officially shut down at the end of October but there are people and tents back at the site. Luckily there are more options this year than before. Here's a list of warm spaces in Milwaukee. Hopefully there's something like that near you. [WITI]

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Programming note: I'm operating under the assumption that Wednesday's Impeachment Hearing in the House Judiciary Committee will be televised. My cable guide thinks otherwise. There will be an Impeachment thread at 8 AM EST Wednesday, December 4th even if we have to hover around C-Span 3 for warmth. The Hill has the witnesses. [The Hill]

Political discussion welcome.

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