Friday, December 20, 2019

Politics Corner, December 20th

I'm just some guy who's been to Macau on vacation. I didn't even spend much time there. Mainly because I don't gamble. I do recommend going there if you're ever in Hong Kong. But the only reason that Beijing is praising Macau is as a warning to Hong Kong across that big bay. [CNBC]

Today's pics are all of Macao. Casinos.
Photo mine

Republicans are now trying to pretend that Trump has not been impeached because Pelosi hasn't sent the bill on to the Senate. Will anyone buy that? Schrödinger's Impeachment can sit there as long as Pelosi likes but the moment it moves it's an Impeachment. I don't see much of a downside in holding the Impeachment back from the Senate.Want to acquit Trump? Then you'll have to hold a real trial and call some witnesses before you betray your country and vote to acquit.

The tall thing. Every city has one.
Photo mine

Christianity Today finally realized that the "Christianity" part of their name demanded that they should be against Trump and should not bow down and worship him like another faux gold bull. [Christianity Today]

Trump believes everything Putin tells him and that's why he's being impeached. [CNN]

More casinos.
Photo mine

AG Barr has sent John Durham on a goose chase after former CIA Director John Brennan and his relationship with the intelligence community's response to Russian interference in the 2016 election. This will take months and nothing useful will be available until long after the fallout from Trump's Impeachment has been decided. [CNN]

Mick Mulvaney is about to find a new corner to cry in. It would be nice if he told a few tales to the Senate on his way out of the White House. [Politico]

The front wall that's all that's left of a church.
Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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