Pelosi will wait to have the House send Trump's Impeachment to the Senate until the Senate behaves like a grown up and sets its own rules for a Trial. [NBC]
The White House thinks that what America wants is more Gym Jordan. There's more than a few former Ohio State students that disagree. [Politico]
Fewer Democrats will debate tomorrow night. Maybe coherent arguments will emerge. We'll be posting Politics Corner early for another live blog. [AP]
The White House is brazenly fighting sanctions against Russia. [Daily Beast]
Think we've won? Go ahead and celebrate tonight but tomorrow there will be thirteen new judges that you won't like at all. [CNN]
Those judges will be focused on killing health care and a bunch of other things that you like. [Reuters]
The White House thinks that what America wants is more Gym Jordan. There's more than a few former Ohio State students that disagree. [Politico]
Fewer Democrats will debate tomorrow night. Maybe coherent arguments will emerge. We'll be posting Politics Corner early for another live blog. [AP]
The White House is brazenly fighting sanctions against Russia. [Daily Beast]
Think we've won? Go ahead and celebrate tonight but tomorrow there will be thirteen new judges that you won't like at all. [CNN]
Those judges will be focused on killing health care and a bunch of other things that you like. [Reuters]
Manafort, who may be suffering more serious health problems than Weinstein, had a couple charges dropped to avoid double jeopardy. [ABC]
Oh yeah, our troops don't like President Bone-spurs either. [Military Times]
Oh yeah, our troops don't like President Bone-spurs either. [Military Times]
Political discussion welcome.