Monday, December 16, 2019

Politics Corner, December 16th

Congratulations! You've named your Impeachment! It's H. Res.755 [Rules Committee, House of Representatives]

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The Judiciary Committee dropped its guidance report for the Impeachment  overnight. Here's a guide to the report. And of course here's the report itself. [Judiciary Committee, House of Representatives]

The House is expected to vote (and pass) the Articles of Impeachment on Wednesday. We'll have a live thread in expectation. It's entirely possible that there could simply be an orderly roll call. I doubt that's the case. I expect parliamentary bombs, lots of demands and at least one attempt at getting the Whistleblower's name on C-Span.

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Former NSA Michael Flynn got slapped down big time. Expect whatever good will he had for pleading guilty to be long gone before sentencing. [Politico]

Former Deputy Campaign Manager for Trump Rick Gates should fare much better in sentencing tomorrow. He's facing felony charges as well but instead of clogging the court with nonsense Gates cooperated in the prosecution of Manafort and Stome. Flynn will rely on Trump's mercy while Gates is likely to walk out of the courtroom on probation. [NBC]

It's not just people that are being displaced for Trump's border wall. It's not even just the nations of the US and Mexico that are being separated. Trump's wall is going to raze Native American burial grounds. [The Guardian]

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It doesn't seem like much - and the amount of money involved is insulting - but the fact that the Senate and the House have agreed to spend anything on gun violence research is remarkable. [The Hill]

Just in time for Christmas: No, Boise, you can't charge homeless people for being homeless if there's no room at the inn. [Reuters]

More than half of us can't stand Trump in his best poll yet. [Quinnipiac]

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Political discussion welcome.