Friday, December 13, 2019

Politics Corner, December 13th

Congratulations! It's almost an impeachment! It took minutes today, unlike the lifetime yesterday, to pass the Articles of Impeachment out of committee and onto the floor of the House without Amendments. [The Guardian]

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Again, what's all the fuss House Republicans? McConnell has Trump's ample backside in hand. As soon as he has 51 votes he will call for a vote to acquit. There are 53 Republicans in the Senate. He could call for a vote as soon as the House votes for Impeachment. [NBC]

The Senate Democrats will fight to call witnesses and enter evidence in the Senate, I hesitate to call it a Trial, Show? They will be as successful as the House Republicans were with Amendments. [The Hill]

With no more witnesses to be called and no more evidence presented, the only reason for the White House to continue to hide documents behind so much redaction that the documents are rendered meaningless is to hide obvious guilt from voters. [The Center for Public Integrity]

Ghouliani is back and he's back at the White House. [NY Daily News]

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Instead of making Trump stick to the law, the White House is limiting how many people can hear Trump break the law. [CNN]

The White House Office of Management and Budget's lie about the aid to Ukraine is contradicted by the fact that OMB is still sitting on millions in aid that is due to Ukraine. [LA Times]

There's more beer on the way to Kavanaugh as the Supreme Court is set to hear the three cases that Trump appealed to them in a desperate attempt to keep us from seeing his financials. [CNBC]

A Federal Judge has zero patience for the White House's handling, or rather not handling, of the Barr and Ross contempt of Congress charges and their withholding of subpoenaed documents. Something tells me Kavanaugh will be getting still more beer soon. [Politico]

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There are many reasons to despise Robert Jeffress. He preaches intolerance and hate. His invitation to the White House Hannukah Reception is a deliberate provocation, just as his invitation to speak at the opening of the new American Embassy in Jerusalem (the Embassy was provocation itself).  Far right American Jews may have bought into Trump like far right Christians have but I'm guessing Trump and company would rather court the hate groups on the right and piss off or scare the majority of Jews.[Independent]

If a way is not found around a labor issue at Loyola-Marymount University there may not be a Democratic Presidential Debate next week. If there is a Debate there will be a live blog here. [Politico]

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