Thursday, December 12, 2019

Politics Corner, December 12th

The Judiciary Committee Hearing today was long, stupid and personal. Gaetz fogot his DUI (I blame the alcohol for his memory lapse and general demeanor) and called out an irrelevant Hunter Biden's crack pipe. Gohmert may have inserted the name he believes belongs to the Whistleblower and if that person turns up dead then the world will know that Gohmert killed them. Jordan thought it was a good idea to make removal from office no longer the aim of impeachment: it's in the Constitution dumbass.

And after all that they still haven't voted whether or not to send the Articles to the floor of the House. It's not a matter of whether the Articles will go to the floor (they will). It's not a matter of whether the Articles will be amended (they won't). It's simply an excuse for the House Republicans to throw a fit. [Politico]

Why they feel the need to throw such a fit is beyond me because Mitch McConnell has already acquitted the President. [CNN]

How is that going to happen? McConnell is closely with Trump's lawyers. Nothing shady about the defense running their own trial is there? [CNN]

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The White House OMB has a suspiciously new and obviously fake excuse for withholding aid to Ukraine. [ABC]

Prosecutors want bail revoked for Parnas citing one million in hidden funds he received from Russia. [Axios]

The Senate and the House have reached "a deal in principle" to pass a spending bill to keep the government running. Now it's up to Trump to throw everything into chaos. [CNN]

And now the DoD IG is going to audit the Fisher Sand and Gravel contract. [AP]

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Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman stepped down to run for his old job as Governor of Utah. This means our new Ambassador to Russia is a Trump toady who said nothing when Marie Yovanovitch was tossed under the bus. He's the Ambassador that Trump (and probably Putin) wants but not the one that we deserve. [NBC]

The UK confirmed that Boris Johnson might be its last Prime Minister. The Tories won. Brexit of one sort or another is inevitable. Scotland showed its strength and will likely take that out of the UK. Northern Ireland is stuck and depending on the shape of the Brexit is likely to leave as well. That leaves Eng;and and Wales so England better talk nice to Wales. [Guardian]

The Myanmar genocide trial is over except for the judgment. It almost doesn't matter now. Anyone who cares will always know that Myanmar is guilty. [BBC]

Muslims all over India are afraid and it's not just the new citizenship law. Prime Minister Modi's fundamentalist Hindu government is systematically separating Muslims. [Guardian]

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Political discussion welcome.

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