Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Politics Corner, December 11th

Where's Hunter Biden? That's what Republicans keep asking hoping to tar former Vice President Biden with nepotism and serve as an example of the "corruption" that Trump allegedly seeks to end.

Where's Donald Trump Jr? Well, he went to Mongolia where he shot an enormous endangered animal, then he met with the President of Mongolia. He received a retroactive hunting permit. None of this is normal and none of this would have happened if daddy wasn't President of the United States. [ProPublica]

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The Inspector General whose report cleared the Russia Probe while bringing up a few other problems went to the Senate today to spin the report against itself. Ain't politics pretty? Here's his prepared testimony. [CNN]

Trump says the FBI is scum. [Business Insider]

Trump has been told that a shorter Senate Trial was his idea. [Reuters]

DeVos is just as evil as you thought. [NPR]

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A Federal Judge in Texas has blocked billions of dollars of Defense money from going to pay for Trump's wall. [CNN]

The DoD IG will examine whether our troop deployments at the border are legal (hint: they're not). Maybe they can count the National Park Rangers while they are down there. [NBC]

It was Nevada's turn for a seat on the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Senate confirmed a Judge over the objections of both of Nevada's Senators. McConnell is waging war on other Senators. Insult to injury? It's the guy who cried in the Senate when it was pointed out what a liar he was when he said he would be fair to LGBTQetc. people. [AP]

Biden hasn't said it in public yet but is letting others say that if he is elected he (probably) would only serve one term. Let's debate the merits of that in the comments. [Politico]

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Trump is happy to play into anti-Semitic stereotypes here to suck up to the right wing in Israel. [NBC]

Aund San Suu Kyi went to The Hague and said "I know you've seen Myanmar soldiers murdering and raping the Rohingya, setting their villages on fire and chasing them out of Myanmar, killing and raping Rohingya as they go but what you've seen is 'incomplete and misleading.'" [CNN]

India picked that religious intolerance bill off the table and passed it today proving that they can be more hateful than the US. Or at least more open about it. [CNN]

Facebook now has powerful proof that adverising on Facebook can target an audience effectively. Ambulance chasers have targeted Facebook users that should be using PrEP to prevent HIV infection. The misleading/false advertisements are so alarming that recipients of the ad are avoiding PrEP or talking to their doctors about dropping PrEP. People will die. Facebook says it's not their problem because third parties cleared the ads. One of those third parties is owned by anti-gay The Daily Caller. Needless to say Facebook is being perfectly opaque about this. [NBC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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