Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Politics Corner, November 6th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

William Taylor is ready for his closeup Mr. C-Span. The impeachment hearings go live next week. I expect more nonsense protests from Republicans and general idiocy because all politicians have never met a camera that wasn't in love with them. [Reuters]

This was before Halloween. It snowed again today.
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Quid pro quo, quid pro quo, you're the quid pro quo. Whatever the President has to say about it the Taylor testimony transcript is out and everyone knows there was quid pro quo. We got a story for you and we've got the transcript too. [AP] {CNN]

Pompeo has screwed himself over but good. His toadying up to Trump got him nowhere and pissed off everyone at State. Giuliani did his job in Ukraine and since Pompeo wouldn't back up Yovanovitch everyone expects him to throw them to the wolves as well. Maybe Kansas will take him back but if he runs for Senate he'd have no friends there either. [CNN]

Ghouliani found some money out of his non-existent salary to pay for lawyers he says he doesn't need. [Reuters]

In a surprise development, Roger Stone did not shit his pants in court today despite been seen at lunch with Milo Yiannabanaabangbang. [NBC]

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Ask your grandma: flipping Virginia's state house from red to blue might (and that's still a slim chance) put the ERA back in play. That would be the Equal Rights Amendment which would finally make women the equal of men in the US Constitution. [CNN]

Today in Republicans are sore losers: Bevin refuses to admit that Kentucky hates him and elected a Democrat to get rid of him. [NBC]

Nobody has paid any attention to J. Beauregarde Sessions since impeachment began. Nobody even wants him to testify. So he's threatening to run for Senate. [ABC]

The next Democratic clown show needs a new venue after a labor dispute at UCLA. [Politico]

A Politico/Morning Consult poll found that a majority of Americans believe that Trump will be reelected which will be self-fulfilling if Democrats fail to get out the vote. [Politico]

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Does it surprise anyone that a United Auto Worker leader who was also a General Motors director is corrupt? [The Detroit News]

A judge took the sensible point of view that if you have a patient in front of you that needs care it doesn't matter what your religion is: care for the patient. [NPR]

When Trump merely had a phone call with the President of Turkey he surrendered the Kurds to slaughter and brought ISIS back from the dead. What's left for him to wreck? We'll find out next week when Erdoğan visits the White House. [The Hill]

The Tories just might snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. [Daily Beast]

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