Sunday, November 3, 2019

Politics Corner, November 3rd

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Today in this is no surprise to black people: black kids are more likely to go missing but are far less likely to be covered in the media, more likely to be ignored by police and...well there's a lot more. The simple answer? Racism. The complicated answer? Racism. Latinx kids fall victim to racism and ICE (so more racism). [CNN]

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Once again Republicans get everything that they've been crying about and once again it's not enough for the crybabies. The Whistleblower is willing to answer Republican questions directly. Meanwhile, Trump still doesn't understand what a whistleblower is and lies about the whistleblower's claims that have already been corroborated. [CNN] [Politico]

National security aide Robert Blair is the next contestant on A Subpoena Is a Subpoena. [The Hill]

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has similar numbers to other recent polls. Impeachment and removal of the President is increasingly popular while remaining partisan. [NBC]

The Republican defense continues to be that Trump is too dumb to commit treason. [NBC]

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Trump is a petty, vengeful God asshole. Having nothing to say while California burned, Trump felt it necessary to threaten California funding via Twitter. [[ABC]

Give us your tired, your poor and, hey! you don't have to show up with health insurance for a little bit longer. [CNN]

However, if you are a refugee you can just go right back to that place that's trying to kill you. [ABC]

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Evangelicals claim to be upset about the Kurds in Syria. I'll believe that when their voting pattern changes. [USA Today]

Here's a quick timeline of the Kurds and why they expected and deserved US support. [NBC]

A continent away, our ally Norway is helping us keep watch on our not-ally-but-our-President's-boss Russia. Climate change is opening up Arctic water bringing natural resources and military dominance into play. [NPR]

England is going to die on this hill. [The Guardian]

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Political discussion welcome.

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