Saturday, November 16, 2019

Politics Corner, November 16th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

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Today in transcripts; the actual Timothy Morrison and Jennifer Williams testimony here. Rather wait for public testimony? Here's a Morrison story and a Williams story to keep you up to date. [US House Intelligence Committee] [Politico] [Politico]

Today in future transcripts: Aide to Ambassador William Taylor, David Holmes testified in a closed hearing today. The big bombshell was in his opening statement which was released yesterday: he heard the Trump/Sondland call as well. Expect Holmes to corroborate Taylor and others. [Vox]

Trump went to the doctor today. The claim is that it's a "partial physical" as if that was a thing that any doctor did ever. The only time I ever got a partial physical was when it was interrupted by the discovery that I was in heart failure. I'm not saying that there's something seriously wrong with him (beyond the obvious) but the other part of the excuse was that in the middle of impeachment hearings he has a "free weekend" (as opposed to the "work" that he would be doing) and he isn't spending it at a golf course. [AP] [Trump Golf Count]

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That new Chilean constitution can't come soon enough. A twenty-nine year old man died of a heart attack during a protest. Rescue workers were unable to help him due to police releasing tear gas, firing rubber bullets and water cannons. Human rights violations are widespread. [Reuters] [Reuters]

Hong Kong is on fire with petrol bombs on one side and tear gas on the other. [Reuters]

If you thought Paris would be left out on the anniversary of the Yellow Vest movement you missed the burning cars and flying rocks. [Reuters]

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The Sandy Hook parents will likely lose their case against Remington and that might not matter at all. Simply trying the case might open up Remington's books and we'll all get to see the truth about gun marketing. [ABC]

I'm writing this too early to see if we'll be celebrating in Louisiana today. Well there will be plenty of celebration for LSU. The big story is the Governor's race and once again Trump made it a referendum about him. Will the goalposts be moved again? I may not get a chance to update this but I will leave you a link to Louisiana election results. [Times-Picayune/New Orleans Advocate]

What if the NFL threw a private workout for Colin Kaepernick and Colin Kaepernick threw a public workout for the media? [CNN]

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Political discussion welcome.

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