Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Politics Corner, October 30th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Trump's Russia point man is quitting right before he testifies in the impeachment inquiry. I can't imagine what he plans to say that he feels the need to flee first. [NPR]

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The inquiry continues with more testimony that circles around the previous testimony and we're getting a real sense of circling around the drain of the swamp. [Politico]

Speaking of swamp creatures, John Bolton has been invited to the party on the hill. [NBC]

Bill Taylor had so much fun behind closed doors that he wants to come back and testify for everyone. [CNN]

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The circle around Devin Nunes gets dirtier. [Politico]

Trump's nominee for Ambassador to Russia hasn't even got the job yet and he's already breaking up with Trump. That or he's lying to the Senate. Or both. [Politico]

Mick Mulvaney is so on the outs with the White House that he was mistaken for a Democrat. [NBC]

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Republican Senators agree with Trump that you don't need meaningful health insurance and that the money in your pocket belongs to the insurance companies that won't really cover you. [The Hill]

The American Bar Association made a man cry in the Senate. [CNN]

Georgia Republicans plan to steal 300,000 votes in advance of the election of the President and two US Senators. [NBC]

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