Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Politics Corner, October 2nd

Someone in the Headlines post said they'd had enough crazy already. Someone else reminded them that it was still morning. I don't have the time or the patience to bring you all the crazy. I will spare you any Trump video but let's just say that his mouth was wide, eyes bulging and skin the color of brick that they used to make schoolhouses out of. So just another day of impeachment.

A nice, calm sumrise on a day that wasn't today.
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I don't know if we were supposed to be angry that the White House attempted to smear one of our own diplomats or that we're supposed to be angry because the smear campaign was so shoddy. I pay taxes for this? I expect a certain level of corruption. [Reuters]

Trump wants to cry all day every day because the meanies over on Capitol Hill want to take his friends out of his sandbox for an hour or two. The House Chairmen say show up and testify and bring your documents or we'll issue subpoenas. [AP]

This is not what you'll be hearing yelled from now on: the Whistleblower followed the law at every step in filing their complaint. [CNN]

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It's another day so Trump wants to sue some more people. This time it's people involved in the Mueller report and not people who point out how small his hands are. [Reuters]

Don't be surprised if he asks Mike Pompeo for help since Pompeo is currently in Italy to dig up dirt for that very purpose (see last night). While he was there Pompeo admitted that, as had already been reported, he was in on the Ukraine phone call (that we have the "not a transcript" for, he might have been doing charity work during the others). [CNN]

Trump was so desperate to get help with the Mueller Report that he called Boris Johnson. Doesn't he know that to get something done in the UK you know what? I don't know who you'd call to get something done in the UK right now. Betty? [Daily Beast]

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We got a new poll: headline here, and then over here is the rundown. The headline doesn't necessarily prove that Republicans are dumber than the rest of us but they sure do hear what they want to hear. Less than half of Republicans think that Trump mentioned Joe Biden in the Ukraine call even though Trump said he talked about Joe Biden in the Ukraine call. [USA Today] [Monmouth University]

Dr. Justice and Mr. Barr, you never know who's going to show up. You just know you won't like him. In a case of maybe this should have been done by January of 2017, Dr. Justice has informed the White House that they should keep the notes of Trump's calls with foreign leaders. Dr. Barr dragged Justice along with him to a personal Trump lawsuit that seeks his tax returns. Time to wreck some law. [CNN] [NBC]

Just to show that not everything is about impeachment, Trump went back on the tariff warpath. This time it's with Europe AKA "our allies". [AP]

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Political discussion welcome.

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