Monday, October 28, 2019

Politics Corner, October 28th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

I expect a damn near party line vote when impeachment comes to the House floor. Unless the Republicans actually meant what they said when they protested that they wanted everything out in the open. (Republicans never want everything out in the open.) [Politico]

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Trump doubles down on his treason. While Putin and Erdoğan were on the need-to-know list, the US congress were "leaks". [NBC]

Yeah, it's another opinion piece, this time from overseas, but it lays out some things I've been thinking ever since Trump betrayed the Kurds. Everything he has done in the middle east has been strengthening ISIS. [Independant]

Zelenskiey was complaining about pressure from Ghouliani and Sondland last May and the White House knew. [CNBC]

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A subpoena is a subpoena. What's the mystery?  At least we'll find out soon. [NPR] [CNN]

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the National Security Council's top Ukraine expert should be testifying tomorrow. We'll see if he does so behind closed doors or a White House stonewall. [CNN]

The Department of Justice filed their expected appeal because they want to keep all that juicy Mueller evidence to themselves. [CNBC]

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More thoughts and prayers, this time thoughts and prayers for a vigil set up for thoughts and prayers after the Texas shooting. [USA Today]

No thoughts and prayers yet but it's a matter of time. An interstate highway in Milwaukee has been shut down three times in under two weeks due to shootings. [WITI]

North Carolina's gerrymandered map has been tossed aside again, this time at the state level which puts it out of reach of the US Supreme Court which had already decided that the issue was not to be decided in Federal Courts. [CNN]

Here's what happens in a city under siege from a Presidential visit. [Chicago Tribune]

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Political discussion welcome.

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