Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Politics Corner, October 23rd

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

We have a perfect foreign policy. It's so perfect that we don't need to sanction Turkey. It's so perfect that it doesn't seem to matter that we weren't invited back into Iraq and we aren't allowed to stay there. [ABC] [Yahoo! News]

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Remember ISIS? Well our dear leader pretty much put ISIS back in the game. [Foreign Affairs]

Other things we're giving up? Kelly Ann (unfortunately not Kellyanne Conway) Shaw decided she wants a chance at a job outside of the White House. [Reuters]

Meanwhile Hong Kong gave up the murder suspect that sparked the extradition bill. Then they topped that by giving up the extradition bill that sparked the protests. The guy who probably killed his girlfriend says he will voluntarily go to Taiwan to face the music. The protests? Of course they'll go on because the extradition bill was only one of several larger demands by now. [BBC] [CNBC]

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Okay, fine, Republicans threw an illegal hissy fit inside the Capital today. They broke inside a legal impeachment hearing and bragged about it on their illegal cell phones. All they managed to do was make fools of themselves and delay the hearing a bit. [Politico]

Parnas and Fruman pled not guilty in Federal Court [NPR]

Trump's lawyers want us to believe that Trump could not be charged if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue as long as he's in office. [NBC]

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Thoughts and prayers and removal from office? It's Florida so it's a lot more complicated than you think. [CNN]

Quinnipiac has a new poll and there's lots of detail regarding who favors impeachment and who doesn't and a bunch of other things. [Quinnipiac]

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Political discussion welcome.

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