Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Politics Corner, October 22nd

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

We already know why Trump abandoned the Kurds in Syria. Today it was laid bare. With the agreement of Turkey, Russia now controls the Syrian corridor that was under US/Kurd control until Trump unilaterally pulled us out. Kurds: this is what happens when you don't build Trump a tower. [NPR]

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Either nothing happened today or everything happened today depending on who you ask. New testimony in the Impeachment Inquiry gave us the same answers but much more emphatically and baldly. So much so that Ambassador William Taylor thought it necessary to submit a detailed opening statement rather than rely on second hand statements. [Politico] [document]

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Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers, whats another day without thoughts and prayers? [Santa Rosa Press Democrat]

The Pentagon is trying to stay a step ahead of President Poopy Pants. [NBC]

I'd love to hear a local take on this. It seems to me that Northern Ireland is changing its laws regarding abortion and same-sex marriage to be more in line with the EU in case they should decide to exit a Brexiting UK. [BBC]

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How do I know it's all the same day? Because this happened yesterday and it may as well have been today. It never hurts to remind everyone that the President's brain is a bowl of angry oatmeal. [CNN]

The Speaker of the Texas State House is resigning because he got caught on tape targeting fellow Republicans. Eat 'em up. More room for the Dems if the Repubs knock each other out. [The Hill]

I saved the good news for last. The tipping point done tipped over. 50% of those polled by CNN think Trump should be impeached and removed. And the fat lady hasn't even sung yet. A Reuters/Ipsos poll tells the story. Support for impeachment is surging among independents.  [CNN] [Reuters]

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Political discussion welcome.

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