Monday, October 21, 2019

Politics Corner, October 21st

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Yeah, yeah, it's all about me today. I'm back home and had my first good meal in almost a month so give me a break. I tried finding some more news for y'all but we covered a lot of evils over the weekend and into this morning.

I don't have a thing to say about the Canadian elections because they haven't been decided yet but I do have one thing to say about Israeli elections which haven't been decided yet: Yippee! Netanyahu couldn't form a government so now it's Gantz' turn. [BBC]

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Mulvaney keeps falling deeper. Justice now says, no, we never asked you to withhold aid to Ukraine. That's all on your lying ass. [Daily Beast]

Someone drew the short straw and had to tell the President that he needs someone eligible to run DHS and not the flunky he wants. [Politico]

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It's nice to know that those mats that my mother has been weaving out of plastic garbage bags are useful. Here's another update on the upcoming eviction of Milwaukee's tent city. The best thing about this one is that it includes a link to the Street Angels. [WTMJ]

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Political discussion welcome.

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