Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Politics Corner, October 1st

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Of course things happened today and we'll get to some unexpected news from a place you probably weren't thinking of by the end of this. What we're really here for is to talk about Trump and his flea circus and sideshow. Head flea Trump has been tantrumming again. Why! Why! Why can't he punish the Whistleblower in person! [USA Today]

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Over at State, Pompeo has been fighting with the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight Committees. He seems to think that State is above the law. The House Chairmen know that the law allows them to subpoena State employees. [CNN]

From the other end of State came word that the (normally) politicically independant inspector general will hold an urgent briefing related to Ukraine. No word what's up but impeachment is on the table. [ABC]

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At Justice, AG Barr took a field trip. It might have been illuminating if he had taken a trip to the National Archives where the US Constitution is housed. Instead he's chasing down things that bother Trump. His job description does not read "chase down things that bother Trump." Anyway, Barr went to Rome to explore the beginnings of the Mueller investigation because nothing was happening in Washington that might require the Attorney General's attention. [Daily Beast]

The White House imposed a secret (how secret? so secret Trump never read about it) system to stop leaks. It didn't work. It might also be illegal and is being looked at in relation to the Whistleblower that it did not stop and the impeachment. [Politico]

Ghouliani shut up long enough to hire a lawyer. He got a Watergate prosecutor but that's just a coincidence it's not like he needs someone with that kind of experience he could always represent himself. [Axios]

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According to a poll from The Hill/HarrisX, 54% of Americans actually believe the world would be a better place if congress were in session right now. Of course that's only because they want the impeachment to move forward. [The Hill]

"Peru's President Dismisses Lawmakers; Lawmakers Dismiss Peru's President" No one knows where this is going or how it can end. The last time anything like this happened a Fujimori was a dictatorial President. This time a reformer President started this extra-legal nonsense and a Fujimori is a corrupt and probably correct lawmaker. [NPR]

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