Thursday, October 17, 2019

Politics Corner, October 17th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Acting White House Chief of Staff (have we ever had so many "Acting" employees of the Executive Branch before?) came out in front of a press conference today and said "You know that thing you're impeaching the President for? Yep, he did it. We all did it. Shut up and get used to it." And then he came back a little later and said "I never said that" even though the whole country had just seen him say just that. [CNN]

Ghosts tonight
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Today was US Ambassador Gordon Sondland's turn to squeal on the President and Ghouliani. [CNN]

Is there an echo in here? Secretary of...he can't remember right now Rick Perry spoke with Ghouliani on the President's order in regards to Ukraine. Perry must have lost his office keys because he's resigning again. We can't miss you if you won't go away. [CNN] [Politico]

Pew Research Center claims only modest change in how we view the impeachment inquiry but having 9% of the people opposed to the inquiry flip to in favor of it looks pretty significant to me. That's digging into the base. [Pew Research Center]

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VP Pence claims victory in a cease fire with Turkey. This is kind of like setting your brother's pants on fire while he is wearing them, sprinkling a little water in his general direction and then telling Mother that you're a hero. [The Guardian]

The President didn't have time for his penpal Erdoğan because he was busy telling people to make arrangements for a playdate for him and his not-Dictators, not-friends. [NPR]

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We lost a good one today. Maryland US Rep. Elijah Cummings fought a good long fight and remained a decent man to the end. Rest in peace. [AP]

In what should not be news and yet has never happened before, two women will take part in the first ever all female space walk. To replace a broken battery charger. The prosaic nature of the mission seems fitting for a field in which women have long been underutilized and under-recognized. [ABC]

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Political discussion welcome.

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