Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Politics Corner, October 16th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

I'm back and hopefully for good this time. Thanks to all the well-wishers. Thanks to Cali for keeping this space alive while I was preoccupied with surgery. Thanks to everyone for keeping this space just as untidy as I left it. We're still in impeachment mode while the President and his cronies are in continued clusterfuck mode. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

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Can you believe we're on day 1000 of the Trump administration? It feels so much longer. So this is probably a good time to look at the Trump Golf Count: 223. [Trump Golf Count]

Some other numbers: Gallup has a new poll out and support for impeachment and removal of the President is up. More surprising is that approval of Congress is up. [Gallup]

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State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent was told to shut up when he complained about Giuliani's attempts to undermine the rule of law and toss out diplomacy in the Ukraine. [CNN]


Only 60 Republicans were willing to stand with Trump in the House on the Syrian troop withdrawal. That's particularly bad news for Trump since Republicans are proud to put party before people or anything else. [NBC]

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Trump vetoed a block of his border wall emergency declaration that was nearly identical to the last block of his border wall emergency declaration. It won't be overturned. It's up to the courts. Let's hope it's not up to Kavanaugh. [Reuters]

As expected, the swamp has been filled. [ProPublica]

All the corruption you'd expect from New York City real estate deals (except maybe the mafia) is on view in newly revealed Trump tax documents. Trump was defrauding lenders with one set of numbers while defrauding the IRS with a much lower set of numbers for the same buildings. [ProPublica]

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A few things happened with the Milwaukee tent city while I was busy elsewhere. I like the Wisconsin State Journal story because it's the only one that I've found that puts a (small) focus on actual people. The fact that Madison has been taking the lead on a Milwaukee story might have been responsible for more local action. [Wisconsin State Journal] [WISN]

Via Wisconsin State Journal

Political discussion welcome.

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