Monday, October 21, 2019

Jeopardy! recap for Mon., Oct. 21

Introducing today's contestants:

- Ryan, a TV executive from California, moved to Saudi Arabia as a child;
- Mononita, an aerospace engineer from Alabama, recycles online air and water in space; and
- Daryn, a clinical representative from Nevada, competes in quickly completing mini-crossword puzzles online. Daryn is a two-day champ with winnings of $21,799.

Champ Daryn surprisingly missed both of his DD opportunities, helping Ryan carry the lead into FJ with $14,200 vs. Daryn at $9,600 and Mononita with $7,200.

DD1, $1,000 - QUOTABLE NOTABLES - In the 1940s, this British novelist said, "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world" (Daryn lost $1,600 on a true DD.)

DD2, $1,200 - BAN THAT BOOK! - Forget the love story -- Pasternak's "Dr. Zhivago" was banned in the USSR until 1987 because of its portrayal of this commie faction (Mononita declined to bet the table limit, instead went all-in for $1,400 and was correct.)

DD3, $1,200 - AMERICAN HISTORY - Woeful economic conditions helped reduce immigration from 4.2 million the decade before to less than 700,000 in this decade (Daryn lost $5,000 of his $6,600 vs. $7,800 for Ryan.)

FJ - U.S. CITIES - Named for the ore once mined there, this city at an altitude of 10,152 feet is home to the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum

Everyone was incorrect on FJ. Ryan dropped $5,001 and was able to hang on for the win with $9,199.

Musical miscues: The players didn't know "Wichita Lineman" and "Rhinestone Cowboy" performer Glen Campbell. Also, they couldn't identify a photo of Swing-era bandleader Duke Ellington (not Count Basie and most certainly not John Philip Sousa, the latter of which Alex was not certain he heard correctly and forced Mononita to repeat.)

Correct Qs:
DD1 - Who was Orwell?
DD2 - Who are the Bolsheviks?
DD3 - What are the 1930s?
FJ - What is Leadville?

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