Tuesday, October 15, 2019

ADverse: Patrick Mahomes – The New Peyton Manning

For the sports ambivalent, Patrick Mahomes is the second year quarterback for the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs. His ability to pull off physically demanding bordering on improbable maneuvers with what looks like little to no effort or conscious thought is really fun to watch provided the Chiefs aren’t playing your team.

If he stays healthy he is going to break a lot of records, many of which belong to Peyton Manning.  However, the first of those records to fall might be Peyton’s massive number of endorsement deals. Peyton’s no Shaq, but he is probably the most prolific NFL commercial star this century.

Mahomes hasn’t wasted any time signing on to commercial work. I don’t blame him. Football is a fickle sport and you never know how long your career will last. Make as much as you can while you can. He is already doing work for State Farm, Head & Shoulders, and Hunt’s not to mention local Kansas City work. 

The State Farm “Agent” commercials are all pretty horrid.

But the Head & Shoulders one with Troy Polamalu ends with a good laugh, at least for me.

I can’t find a copy of the Hunt’s commercial I’ve been seeing on some of my streaming apps because apparently a multinational like ConAgra doesn’t see the value in putting their commercials on the most widely used, highest search ranking video service in the world.

At least the folks at the local KC credit union have enough sense to do that:

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