Saturday, September 7, 2019

Politics Corner, September 7th

Politics Corner has looked at clouds from both sides now.

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India is talking smack about Pakistan. Pakistan smacks back. [Reuters] [Al Jazeera]

UK MPs are ready to go to court to force Prime Minister Johnson to obey the law. [BBC News]

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More violence is expected in Afghanistan as US-Taliban talks go nowhere. Update: that meeting you didn't know about? Trump cancelled it. I wouldn't be surprised if there was no meeting and a bunch of staffers are busy trying to make it look like a meeting could have happened.[NBC News] [Associated Press]

The Washington Post must be doing something right. They've been attacked by the President and his, not Dumb Jr.., but Dumber son. [Politico] [Raw Story]

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NOAA encounters a storm itself as it toadies up to Tantrum Trump. I told you there would be clouds.  [The Hill]

The Republican Party attempts to "clean" house by scrubbing out dirt like Rep. Steve King, forgetting entirely that whoever replaces King, etc. will have to toe the GOP line and be exactly like them. [Politico]

MIT accepted donations from and used Jeffrey Epstein to solicit funds after he had been put on the forbidden list. This was concealed by referring to him by his initials or as Voldemort. Among other fallout, MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito has resigned. [The Hill] [Daily Beast]

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Political discussion welcome.

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