Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Politics Corner, September 4th

Lots of crazy to talk about today but the top story is the same. We're still looking at the fallout of Boris Johnson's rush to a no-deal Brexit. His party has kicked people out which seems counterproductive since he's lost the majority. Now his call for an election has been rejected and the House of Commons has blocked a no-deal Brexit and that is now being debated in the House of Lords. [BBC News}

Several weather systems because it's been that kind of day.
Photo mine

Most of us believe there will be a recession. Most voters would blame Trump. Want numbers? We got lots of poll numbers for those of you who took statistics. Here's a quick rundown for those that didn't. [Harvard-Harris Poll] [Newsweek]

Gun control continues to be a big part of the conversation and Moscow Mitch still refuses to consider it. His excuse this time? He'll bring it to the floor if Trump means what he says. Never gonna happen. I think McConnell needs to get back to Schoolhouse Rock.

Some things stayed the same.
Photo mine

Hurricane Dorian has done very serious damage and has taken at least 20 lives so far. It's leaving the Bahamas and is on it's way to the Carolinas where extensive flooding is expected.[NBC News]

Dorian was never going to Alabama. Dorian also cannot be thought away. [ABC News] [Daily Beast]

While others left.
Photo mine

I never thought that it would require a judge to choose Playboy over a Nazi but here we are. [Politico]

We might not be watching actual terrorists but we sure keep tabs on those non-violent protesters. As someone with extensive experience dating back to the eighties I can tell you that this is not news. [Yahoo! News]

My orchid is happily sheltered.
Photo mine

Joe Balash got an early payout as he jumped straight from the Interior Department into the oil industry. [NPR]

Apparently Trump ran out of Obama-era environmental policies to reverse so now he's digging all the way back to George II. Your old lightbulb is safe but your electric bill is not. [NPR]

Proximity to Totoro may help.
Photo mine 

Political discussion welcome.

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