Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Politics Corner, September 3rd

I was back in school today and, as I mentioned last night, you got a Community notification for this because I'm in a community college and I'm taking Spanish. Luckily Chang is not my teacher and I haven't seen Chevy Chase anywhere. We do have neighbors. You might have heard of them.

We didn't exactly take the weekend off but national news is back with a bang - so much so that this will be my only mention of severe weather, boats on fire or even mass shootings (I thought about Walmart dropping some gun related sales but as someone pointed out in Headlines that's probably stuff that wasn't selling). I've only got one International story but it's a doozy.

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Hopefully some of our UK readers stayed up really late or are waking up early because Americans need Parliamentary behavior explained and my understanding is limited. I do know that Boris Johnson lost big time today when members of his own party crossed over to the opposition in an attempt to prevent Johnson from forccing a no-deal Brexit. The rub is that if an election is called Johnson might sneak in a no-deal Brexit without them. [Associated Press]

In nearby Ireland there's an American story. Vice President Pence is staying at a Trump resort. Is it close to the meetings that he's there for? Nope. Those are 150 miles away. So why is he staying at a Trump resort? His boss must be paid. [Daily Beast]

Trump must have money and Trump must have wall. So military contruction projects no longer have a budget. [Politico]

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Where does all that Trump money go? Shady side deals like that between Brad Parscale and Red State Data and Digital. [ABC News]

Fundraising is also being channeled into attacks on journalists that Trump doesn't like, that is: journalists. [Axios]

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A North Carolina court unanimously ruled against NC's gerrymandering. It is likely to pass muster at NC's Supreme Court and since it was decided on state grounds and not federal it is unlikely to jump to the Federal Court system or the US Supreme Court. This would mean fair districts and a  likely Democratic state government in 2020. [CNN]

Today in "Duh", gay "conversion therapy" propagandist comes out as gay. [NBC News

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Trump Golf Count: 213

Political discussion welcome

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