Sunday, September 29, 2019

Politics Corner, September 29th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

Impeachment is still on everyone's lips. We'll see how long this lasts. I wasn't kidding last night when I suggested talking to your Representative. Even Trumpanistas may hold back a bit if they hear from enough constituents.

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There's other stuff afoot. Johnson's own party doesn't believe he can accomplish any kind of Brexit without asking for an extension. The government would be Labour's for the taking if they had anyone but Corbyn at the top. [Business Insider]

Trump's BFF, murderer MBS denies he is a murderer. Did I mention he has an orb? [AP]

A former Ukraine prosecutor says any investigation of Biden, father or son, would have to begin in the US and that any embezzlement would have happened before Hunter was involved. [BBC]

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Congressional Democrats were probably interested already but all the squirming at the White House and a warning from Putin mad certain that the House would seek records of phone calls with other world leaders, including Putin. [Reuters]

Two polls have shown a shift in opinion on impeachment and a continued mistrust. CBS found that a firm majority of Americans approve of the impeachment inquiry. An Ipsos/ABC poll found that while almost 2/3 of us believe Trump's actions are a serious problem only 17% of us were surprised. [CBS] [ABC]

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The right won a decisive victory in Austria's election but will still have difficulty forming a government since this time they won't be able to rely on the far-right party which collapsed in scandal last spring. [Al Jazeera]

One of the reasons that the Republicans will fight hard against impeachment is because their power rests on uneasy ground. Places that used to be reliably safe for the GOP like Orange County in California are skipping purple and moving right to blue. [Politico]

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Political discussion welcome.

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