Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Politics Corner, September 25th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

The weirdest thing happened today. And then the weirdest thing happened. And then the weirdest thing....and just when things had started to make sense. If yesterday had ended with a good bad thing and today began with a good bad thing then maybe there would be some equivalence. Not a chance. Yesterday's good bad thing was the official beginning of Trump season and we're gone huntin'. Today's good bad thing was the White House release of a truncated version of one of a likely eight phone calls Trump made to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. They expected the "transcript" (it's not even a transcript, it's a reconstruction based on notes and memos) to calm the furor.

Photo mine

Except it didn't.

Not even close. The most common comment from pundits and average Joes has been that it reads like a mob boss demanding protection money. There's no line where Trump literally says "quid pro quo" which isn't surprising at all since he probably doesn't know what it means. It's not how he operates. There's no this for that. There is only give me what I want or else.

Haven't read it yet? It's all over the web and right here. Go and read it quick and come back angry.

Photo mine

Or maybe you're laughing. Or maybe both. I went through anger, laughter, fear, hope and a whole bunch of other emotions today. I'm betting that Zelensky is stuck on a constant anger. If they were going to redact anything at all then surely someone must have thought of redacting the words of a foreign leader who expected discretion.

Trump the fool was on full display today. When he could string a sentence together he didn't seem to understand that every word he was saying incriminated him. Is he trying to pull a Boris Johnson now that playing the fool no longer works for Johnson? I doubt it. He was too busy lashing out at any and everyone. He tried pulling Vice President Pence down with him. Does he think that we won't impeach him if it takes out Pence too?

Photo mine

I haven't given you many headlines yet because they are everywhere. There's one big story and too many details that need to shake out before we see what sticks. If you were worried yesterday that things won't move very fast then you're probably still right today because the Republicans might be shaken now but there will be roadblocks ahead. And someone will muzzle the President.

But a couple headlines because the awful still happens.

The Senate still doesn't have the balls to tell the President that he can't raid the military to build his porous but expensive wall. [CNBC]

The Administration wants the same bad immigration agreement with Honduras that they claim with El Salvador. [Vox]

They are about as happy in Scotland with Trump's Scottish resort as we are. [The Scotsman]

Netanyahu has been a couple weeks to attempt to form a government. He may not be able to, no party could put together a majority coalition.. One thing is for certain. They don't want to be Belgium. [Reuters]

Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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