Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Politics Corner, September 24th

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 

The day has come. Or will soon. Unless Trump blows everything up first. You never know. But as it stands Donald Trump will be impeached. And this time around I doubt we'll spend much time on the definition of "is".

Other things happened today and I'll get to them if I can. It probably won't matter because we'll probably keep talking about the one thing we've talked about all day.

It's been a long time coming (some say too long) and we've known all along that only one vote mattered. As much as we complain about McConnell, Nancy Pelosi often performs the same function in the House. If she doesn't want it on the floor then it won't get there. I would bet that Pelosi did not want to see this day as she had set the bar much higher than the high crimes and misdemeanors required by the Constitution. But treason cannot be ignored. Considering this is Trump in question, treason can be bragged about but it cannot be ignored. Impeachment begins in earnest. [NBC]

Federal courthouse, Milwaukee
Justice under repair
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Let's review a bit in case there are those who think impeachment is an overreach. Trump has admitted that he talked to the President of Ukraine about Joe Biden and his son days after cutting planned military aid to Ukraine. Now Trump claims the aid was cut to see if someone else would pay for it which sounds just dumb enough that it works as plausible deniability that would embarrass anyone else on the planet. Have I mentioned how absurd it is to believe Trump remembers anything? He's lucky if he can remember the beginning of his sentence by the time he reaches the middle of it. [ABC News]

If Trump did appeal to a foreign power with the aim of influencing an American election then he has committed treason. Withholding promised aid just wrecks our foreign relations and Trump would hardly be the first President to do that. Remaking that foreign aid into payment for favors related to punishing Trump's electoral enemies? Treason, bribery and we can drop that NO in front of COLLUSION! because we got that too. [Politico]

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The whistleblower wants to talk. Both houses of Congress want to listen. Trump claims he'll release the transcript (not the recording) of the conversation with President Volodymyr Zelensky. I'll wait and see on all of the above. The whistleblower may not be allowed to speak, the Senate vote was non-binding, and a complete transcript is highly unlikely and considering the President's loose grasp of language at the best of times a written record not containing intonation, etc. could be misleading. [Politico] [Axios] [NBC]

The kicker? Ukraine is likely to investigate everything Trump blindly alleges. Why? They are concerned about what happens in their country. This means continued attention to Trumper Paul Manafort as well. Ukraine may have elected a comedian President but they are serious. [Daily Beast]

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Just a little bit of non-impeachment news to show that Trump is an overachiever in his own special way.

After stopping California from implementing tougher auto emission standards, the Trump Administration threatens to cut CA highway funds over air quality. [Sacramento Bee]

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Political discussion welcome.

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