Monday, September 23, 2019

Politics Corner, September 23rd

So you missed Greta Thunberg's speech at the UN? Good news! NPR has got the transcript here. It's short. It's simple. And it says more about climate change and says it better than anything I could come up with. We better pay attention. [NPR]

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Trump may have started a war and is definitely making us Saudi Arabia's bitch to distract from his treason in Ukraine but the story won't go away this time. The biggest reason is that Trump just won't shut up about it. He's proud of his treason and he wants you to know about it. Republicans, where are you? Why are you letting this foolish traitor speak for you? [CNN] [NBC]

State Supreme Court Justice Doris Gonzales of New York has high expectations of the President. She expects him to testify under oath (on video) with the understanding that he would tell the truth and that would somehow be useful. She cited a case involving then President Clinton saying that the President's testimony "may be taken at the White House at a time that will accommodate his busy schedule," making it clear that she is not familiar with Trump's "busy" schedule. [NBC]

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That nothing that Corey Lewandowski had to say to congress was very expensive. [CNBC]

Were you grateful when Sarah Huckabee Sanders stopped holding weekly press conferences? You're going to love Stephanie Grisham! Who's that? You wouldn't know it but she's something with the Orwellian title "press secretary". You might expect her to meet with the press but that is not in her job description. [Politico]

It's not just generals that take marching orders from Trump's tweets. [Reuters]

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An appeals court may accept challenges and block a Trump administration rule that led Planned Parenthood to withdraw from Federal funding. [AP]

Three and a half years ago when I was attempting to quit smoking, vaping was one of the tools that I used. Vaping has had a very low mortality rate and is certainly less than smoking tobacco which would have killed me if I'd continued. So I haven't been in favor of the reactionary bans taking place.

Until now. There are those who are convinced that vaping bans will destroy Trump's chances in 2020. [Axios]

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Political discussion welcome.

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