Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Politics Corner, September 17th

The Israeli election has not been called and no one has conceded but rival Gantz thinks Netanyahu lost. The only thing that's clear now is that no one has a mandate. [Reuters]

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The White House refused to send Dearborn and Porter to testify in congress and told Lewandowski not to answer questions. Lewandowski got the message. What was the topic? Obstruction of Justice. If there's anyone in the White House capable of understanding irony then I won't be the only one laughing uncomfortably. [CNN[ [AP]

The Air Force is losing any argument of convenience for staying at Trump's Scottish resort. New details reveal that crews stayed days at a time and received gift packages. [Pollitico]

Give your poor, you're - strike that. Give us your poor rich. Want to come into the US? You better have a thousand bucks just for an appeal if the administration gets its way. [BuzzFeed]

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There's always room in the Trump Administration (and the federal courts) if you're a big fan of torture. Even, maybe especially, if you want to be in charge of human rights. [Politico]

The Environmental Protection Agency has forgotten its name again. As expected the California agreement with auto makers to raise emission standards will be blocked. California will sue. [Politico]

Tennessee wants to switch its Medicaid program to a block grant. Providers are already protesting. I guarantee patients will be protesting as well. [The Hill]

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First Trump attacked General Motors and now the White House wants to enter the fray on the side of the United Auto Workers. If this doesn't piss off old school conservatives then there are no old school conservatives left. [Politico]

Walmart has discriminated against women who work for them, paying them less and denying promotions, because of course it has. [Yahoo! Finance]

A statue of wrestling icon The Crusher was vandalized. It's already been fixed by the artist, Beth Sahagian. The reason The Crusher doesn't terrify like Lucille Ball, the Bronze Fonz or other bronze nightmares is because Sahagian is actually an artist. (I know her and once roomed with her sister.) [Fox6News]

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