Sunday, September 15, 2019

Politics Corner, September 15th

We already know what the President will do when the US is attacked. Nothing.

Now we get to find out what he'll do when Saudi Arabia is attacked.

This is the view from my friend's house.
Photo mine

Saudi Arabian oil fields and processing facilities were attacked by drones yesterday. Pompeo immediately blamed Iran. We don't know if it was Iran or maybe Iraq (why?) but we seem to believe it wasn't Yemeni Houthis who have claimed responsibility. It won't make me sleep easier knowing that Trump has declared that we are "locked and loaded" which he illustrated with exclamation points. [CNN]

On the homefront, Trump has never been clear on the Separation of Powers (he seems to think all of them are his) and he wants the Department of Justice to rescue Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh from the crimes that Kavanaugh is alleged to have committed when younger. [CNN]

In Hubertus, Wisconsin
Photo mine

General Motors can't win. Assailed by the President, now it faces a walkout by 49,000 workers. Talks will continue while the UAW strikes starting at midnight. [AP]

As calls rise for the impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh, Democrats are still dancing around whether impeachment of the President is what they're up to in the House. [NBC]

In the mood to blame Trump? Good news! I've got more bad news for you. That dip in health insurance coverage looks to be mostly due to Trumps immigration policies and fear tactics. [AP]

Did I tell you Wisconsin is green?
Photo mine

Trump might want to reconsider election security. Russia is not the only game in town anymore. China has been accused of cyber attacks on the Australian Parliament and Australia's three biggest political parties. Trump's trade war could have personal consequences. [Reuters]

Counsel governments across Britain expect food and medicine to be in short supply and social unrest in the streets if Brexit goes through with no deal. How serious are they? They're stocking up on fuel and other supplies. [Business Insider] If only The Clash were around to sing about it.

It ain't easy being green.
Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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