Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Politics Corner, September 10

Bolton is gone. About the only one who isn't selling arms that misses him is himself. Was he fired? Did he quit? Who cares? He's gone. After a while maybe Trump will forget why he fired Bolton (he favored the Iraq wars?) and call him. He's calling McMasters who he also fired by tweet from the same job. [NBC News]

These statues are near my house.
Photo mine

Forget a two state solution, Netanyahu promises apartheid if he's reelected. [CNN]

Three House committees are looking into whether Trump and Giuliani pressured Ukraine to aid in Trump's reelection. [Al Jazeera]

Using spies interferes with Trump's play dates with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. [CNN]

From most angles they look like birds.
Photo mine

We've got polls. First up: almost 2/3 of those polled believe Trump doesn't deserve a second term. [CNN]

Here's more details from the ABC/WaPo poll where Trump didn't fare well either. [ABC News]

That's intentional.
Photo mine

Trump claims that he will release an "extremely complete" financial record. I'm betting it will be written in Sharpie. [Politico]

Continuing with Trump's bullying and love of other bullies, an immigration judge who threatened and badgered a two year old has been promoted to the Justice Department’s Board of Immigration Appeals. [Mother Jones]

They also intentionally look like bombers.
Photo mine

Political discussion welcome.

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