Monday, September 30, 2019

๐Ÿ… Feed Me: Homemade Mozzarella Cheese

Hey y’all **waves** ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ

Made this yesterday with my goddaughter and her mother . It was fun to see my goddaughter’s eyes light up when seeing “magic” form the cheese curds. There’s various ways to make this (example lemon juice instead of citric acid etc etc), but I follow this young lady on YouTube and she is a powerhouse of information for the garden as well as having some solid recipes. I can appreciate that she did both the raw goats milk version as well as whole milk pasteurized. I opted to use a Raw cow’s milk (Sprouts) bcz of personal preference.

From start to finish this took 20 mins and is a night y day difference taste wise to anything that can be purchased in a store. The flecks on the final product picture is from the pink salt.

My son uses the left over whey in his post work out smoothies , but bcz there’s always a lot of whey left over I use a few cups for my herb/pepper garden. My plants love it!

Copy/paste from article online
It’s packed full of protein, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Use whey to water your plants. Dilute it with a good amount of water (straight whey will “burn” your plants- I learned this the hard way…) and pour on your veggies or flowers (avoid using acid whey here). Think how much your container garden would love that!” 


YouTube tutorial and pictures listed below

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