Tuesday, September 17, 2019

ADVerse: How We Got Here – Lawn Care

There are many aspects of day to day life that are so ingrained that they seem like they’ve always been that way. Sure, some things are dependent on where you grew up and how you grew up, but everyone has aspects of their bubble that they view as having always been there.

Photo by David McBee from Pexels

However, sometimes you can take a step back and look at the history of something and see how it came to be such a large part of our culture, economy, and lives. From your morning coffee to engagement rings there are common industries and products that got where they are today after years of trends, advertising, and one-ups-man-ship.

The New York Times posted a nice video piece on how the yard and lawn maintenance became such a huge part of American life. It goes through the influences and history and features various medium used for promoting lawn care.


It's crazy to think how much time, money, and resources go to lawn care in the US especially as compared to any point in the past. Over one million people are employed in the lawn care industry in the US, and the industry's total revenue is in the $100 billion range. 

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