Friday, August 30, 2019

Politics Corner, August 30th

Today it's everything and the kitchen sink.

Photo mine, kitchen sink

Today in "Climate change? What climate change?: That giant pumice pontoon that's floating it's way to Australia can't get there soon enough. The Great Barrier Reef has been downgraded to very poor. A dying reef is a pretty big thing to ignore. [BBC News]

Whoever is babysitting the President really needs to use a firmer hand on the leash. Now the President is attacking General Motors. [CNBC]

Photo mine, I promised everything

The Federal Election Commission is officially dead for a while. With the Vice President stepping down they no longer will have a quorum and cannot legally meet. Now who wouldn't want a functioning Election Commission? [NPR]

We've got more details about the firing of Trump's personal assistant. These are details that we wouldn't have if Trump hadn't fired her. Among other flattering things about Trump? He hasn't forgotten Tiffany. He thinks she's fat and doesn't want to be photographed with her. What exactly does he see in the mirror? [Politico]

Here come the tariffs and Trump is the only one who is happy about it. Not everything was put off until December and clothing gets hit Sunday. [CNBC]

Photo mine, leftovers count too

I don't know about your town but Milwaukee has had a tent city for a while now. I'm back and forth about publicizing its location. Homeless people are often victims of people punching down. But seeing can also humanize. The Milwaukee County Housing Division is trying to move people off the streets and into housing. For many reasons that's not going to work for everyone. [Channel 3000]

The people who live there are just that: people. Shelter helps. So does food and water. And simply being treated like people. I hope your town has something like the Street Angels ( here in Milwaukee.

Photo mine, hey, I might go boating again this weekend

Political discussion welcome.

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