Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Politics Corner, August 21st

"Lady Freedom" by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

I want to punctuate my theme from last night. How we treat our neighbors is important. I find myself wishing that our President grew up with Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers would never call a neighbor nasty. Of course Mr. Rogers didn't project onto others.

Via YouTube

I hate to say I told you so but just last night I implied that "short term" detention of immigrants wasn't going to be so short term. Today the administration revealed their (evil) plan to detain immigrants up to forever. So I guess a flu vaccination is kind of small potatoes now. [ABC News]

If immigrants manage to get out of detention it's quite possible that they will have nowhere to go. The Executive hopes to let state and local governments block refugees from entering. Not only is this inhumane but it also devolves federal power onto the states. [NBC News]

Speaking of "nasty", Trump just refuses to take "No." for an answer. He wants to take his Greenland and go home but that "nasty" Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen won't let him. So he throws a tantrum and punishes Denmark. [NPR]

It's not like Trump is any better at home to the people who are already here. He may have Jewish grandkids but he sure doesn't give a damn about how he talks to Jews that disagree with him. Hint: if you don't want to be called a Nazi then don't talk like one. [AP]

Countdown: Jay Inslee is out of the running. [NBC News]

Via YouTube

Political discussion welcome.

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