Sunday, August 18, 2019

Politics Corner, August 19th

"Lady Freedom"by skpy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Let's look at a couple things around the world and one big thing back in the US.

Hong Kong is still hosting massive prostests. The feared crackdown hasn't happened. Yet. The government in Beijing is not the same as back during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. Hong Kong's Victoria Park and other locations are not on the government's doorstep. But how long will Beijing play good cop, relatively speaking?

Story in Vox

Want some news about climate change that is easily demonstrable and doesn't involve simply looking out the window? Iceland is here to help you out. One of Iceland's glaciers officially died in 2014. Only just now have they gotten around to the Memorial service.

Al Jazeera has the story and some comparative photos:

Closer to (my) home, mass shootings are an even bigger deal than we normally hear about. Here's three guys (of course they're all guys, you know the drill) who were stopped.

CNN has video, a story and mugshots that get creepier as you read along:

The renewed attention to gun violence is having some actual political fallout this time around. Republican US Senator McSally was already vulnerable in Arizona. If she survives the primary she will likely face Democrat and gun control advocate (and Astronaut!) Mark Kelly. McSally would have to run between satisfying her gun loving base and looking like a heartless bastard in contrast to Kelly whose wife, forner Representative Gabby Giffords, is famously a victim of gun violence.

ABC News has the story from Associated Press

Political discussion welcome.

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