Tuesday, August 27, 2019

ADverse: Attack of the 7 Foot Spokesperson

Knocking on from last week’s discussion, I thought we’d take a look at the most prolific spokesperson of our time: Shaquille O’Neal.

Here’s a segment about Shaq and all of his commercial work from Bryant Gumble’s Real Sports on HBO:

Shaq has endorsed well over 50 brands in his career and shows no signs of slowing down. He endorses or has endorsed Carnival Cruise, Burger King, Oreos, Reebok, Wheaties, Pepsi, Icy Hot, Taco Bell, Buick, Gold Bond, VitaminWater, JCPenny, Dove, and more.

He does a lot of work for Krispy Kreme, but he also owns one in Atlanta and has plans to buy more.

When he bought Ring Home Security for his house, he got in touch with the owner of the company to offer his endorsement for a chunk of the company. Amazon bought Ring for $1 billion dollars last year.

Shaq for Goldbond brought us the famous dancing Shaq gif:

Krispy Kreme:
