Friday, January 3, 2025

Politics Corner January 3


photo mine  (beware of  Harlan)

Yesterday did not happen because I was on the worst Delta flight ever. Ten hours or so from Atlanta to Buenos Aires. I slept through dinner which probably was good because I ordered the fish. I did get soup and dessert. So far so good. I'm in a pod in first class just to put this in perspective. I'd say white people problems but in this case it was white and brown and I'm certain that gay entered into it too. I asked for double vodka because I wanted to go back to sleep and didn't want to drug myself. I was informed that I could only have one. My partner got the same response and he got an explanation. According to the head steward the gate agent almost didn't let us on the plane. This was pure bullshit. We had been standing at the gate for a good while because the plane was delayed on top of a delay. I would periodically ask if anything changed, she was friendly. She rushed me through when they announced boarding because she had a full plane to fill. The bitch on the plane lied to our face but you can't argue with a steward because they can have you arrested.

Now I can't sleep so good I'll go online and post Politics Corner. I'm supposed to have free wifi. I've had free wifi in the back cabin before. Nothing. I go through all of the steps in order. I turn everything off and back on again. Nada. I ask. I have to pay for it. Even up here? These ain't the cheap seats. Yes. By now it's too late to post anyway and I'm still trying to sleep. My glass is empty and I'm sober and the bitch has cut us off. It's a ten hour flight. If I walked on the plane anywhere short of alcohol poisoning I would be sober before the end of the flight - I also wouldn't be able to walk on board let alone hoist luggage into the overhead bin.

And on top of that the bitch was wearing a wig on top of a wig and didn't even have the decency to form a beehive.

Political Discussion Welcome.