Saturday, December 7, 2024

Politics Corner December 7


photo mine  (beware of  Harlan

Politics Corner has a friend who has been near death more times than I can count and that's just when I was present. This time it seems inescapable despite her incredible luck. The cancer in her neck and lungs is growing very slowly. But the cancer below that is pretty much expanding. There is no question of cutting it out because they would have to gut her. There was an unusual experimental treatment that very few people qualify for and she did. She took the treatment and it did nothing. There is literally nothing to do but make her comfortable and happy. She's mostly okay with this but she gets irrationally upset if we put the phone on her table. I'm way south of her in Milwaukee and can rarely get up to see her. She's bedridden and if she doesn't answer her phone I'm cut off. I've already had someone do that to me when they were dying (and I haven't forgiven him yet so if he's stuck haunting it's his own damn fault). My partner has the opposite experience. His mom would not leave without him. He didn't want to be there but he had to. That haunts him. I had another friend who well there was a cabal of four including his mother sister, me and another friend. We wordlessly conspired to kill him. We each took shifts keeping him company for 24 hours. His breathing was so ragged and his heartrate was out of control. Each shift each one of us asked that his morphine be increased. We must have known what the others were up to because his charts were right there. Eventually it worked right when I was scheduled to take over from his sister. It's the only time that I've seen death. I don't care to see it again. I want to die in a hospital bed alone with enough dilaudid in me that I don't feel a thing and the person that finds me is a nurse who may not like it but is trained and used to it.

Political Discussion Welcome.

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