Monday, October 14, 2024

Politics Corner October 14


photo mine  (beware of  Harlan)

Israel is invading Lebanon and is making enemies of everyone except the US along the way. [Haaretz] [Democracy Now!]

via BBC
The Milwaukee Rescue Mission is no longer kicking the homeless off of its property although it is confining them to a smaller footprint than they had occupied. This will undoubtedly uproot even more people. The State of Wisconsin is doing something far worse. The Department of Transportation is closing two Park and Rides altogether and shutting the bulk of another and allowing only bus pickups. The other two Park and Rides will not even have bus service. That's bad enough but this isn't about transportation. This is about homeless encampments. We continually claim that we will house the people that we displace and yet we always have more people than have beds and we always have people who won't be satisfied with a bed. We are also judgmental. Most of our shelters require prayer to a specific God. All of them require sobriety. Sobriety is not an option for everyone even if we had enough space to rehab them. We will never have enough available rehab as long as we continue to blame users and treat them as criminals. Oh, there's also all of those people who cannot bring their pets into a shelter or rehab. Would you leave your dog or cat behind? [WISN]

via WISN

Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul (D) is preparing for election shenanigans. The conservative Wisconsin Supremes put a halt to the nonsense in 2020. We've got liberal Supremes now so it would be foolish to file suit but this is another election with Trump. We also have (not fair but) fairer maps which means a lot of Republicans will be kicked out of office and I doubt they'll go quietly. [WISN]

via Wisconsin Examiner

In case anyone was interested, Omarosa Manigault Newman (NEWMAN!) has endorsed Harris joining nearly everyone else who has ever known Trump. You know who will never get to know Trump? His cult. [Variety]

via Variety

Curious taunting looks good on Harris. [Wonkette]

via Wonkette

Political Discussion Welcome.

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