Sunday, October 13, 2024

Politics Corner October 13


photo mine  (beware of  Harlan)

Netanyahu has finally taken on the whole world. He told the United Nations Peacekeepers to get out of Lebanon. Gaza was one thing. That and the West Bank are territories that Israel occupies. They shouldn't be occupying them - at least according to the UN. But Lebanon is a sovereign country. Yep they've got problems with Hezbollah. They might not have as much of a Hezbollah problem if they weren't trading missiles with Israel. I don't give a shit who started it. This recent round traces back to the horror of October 7. Hezbollah (although probably sympathetic) had nothing to do with October 7. Israel responding to horror with an outsize horror has radicalized everyone around them. Israeli police standing by while West Bank settlers (who shouldn't be there) attack aid truck caravans meant to relieve the famine that IDF caused by flattening Gaza just raised tempers all around. Hezbollah may or may not embed themselves near UN Peacekeepers but this is going to be rougher going for Netanyahu. His attacks on Palestinian civilians already caused a world outcry. Now we're looking at Israel bombing Irish and Polish troops for the United Nations. The US is still sending arms and is updating their missile defense system which was already supposed to be the best in the world. If Trump wins this will only get worse. If Harris wins she's going to apply pressure on all sides - and maybe piss them all off by making them deal with Buttigieg. [CBS]  [Times of Israel]  

via CBS
What kind of a day could it be without another overreach by Texas AG Ken Paxton? Slapped down again. This time it's violation of the 4th and 14th amendments regarding illegal search and seizure. [Texas Tribune]

via Texas Tribune

Only Trump would think to use paper towels as projectiles. Also massive projection. Trump required fealty before releasing emergency aid and is now lying and saying that Biden/Harris is doing what he did. [Guardian]

via Guardian

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