Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Politics Corner June 25


photo mine  (beware of Harlan)

Do you need to be told that the reelection of Donald Trump will be disastrous for the US economy, the world economy and will cause inflation to skyrocket? Here's a bunch of Nobel winning Economists to tell you. [CNBC] https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/25/nobel-prize-economists-warn-trump-inflation.html

via CNBC 

Trump knew what he was doing was criminal. He knew it and kept his own lawyers in the dark. [ABC] https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-expressed-concern-returning-classified-docs-after-subpoena/story?id=111383032

via ABC 

The US Supremes are more divided than you think. Concurrences should not read like dissent. [CNN] https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/25/politics/early-divisions-signal-bitter-internal-conflicts-as-supreme-court-turns-toward-final-decisions/index.html

via CNN 

Amilinda is a Spanish/Portuguese restaurant in my neighborhood. The chef has been nominated several times for Best Chef in the Midwest and once for Best Chef in the US by the James Beard Association. His restaurant is just outside the security zone and it's going to kill his business during the RNC. [WISN] https://www.wisn.com/article/milwaukee-restaurant-owner-thinks-rnc-could-be-bust-for-small-business/61245399

via Amilinda

Political Discussion Welcome. 

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