Thursday, May 9, 2024

Politics Corner May 9


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

By the time you read this Stormy Daniels will have finished testifying and Trump will have filed for a mistrial and been turned down. I'm posting early because I'm going to an informational meeting/fundraiser for a get out the vote campaign aimed at college kids. We're talking the usual billboards and things like that bur we're also talking condom distribution on college campuses which serves the dual purpose of reminding college kids why they need to vote Democrat and also maybe make a few choices unnecessary while we're at it.  BTW it was disturbing to learn that Trump didn't wear a condom. [NPR]

via NPR

There's a new documentary out that began as just a run of the mill day in the life of the capital that just happened to turn out to be January 6. Here's some background from a gifted (free!) article from WaPo. [Washington Post]

Washington Post

The Supremes ruled that the police can straight up steal your stuff. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert states the obvious: Netanyahu has no plan for the war. What happens when everyone is dead and everyone is flattened? Does he sell Gaza to Jared? [NPR]

via NPR

They're clearing out homeless encampments in Milwaukee again and probably near you too. There aren't enough places for these people to go. Some won't go if the could. Others have nothing left but their vehicle, camper or tent and will lose that if they enter a shelter. Then there's the question of being forced to pray to a god that is not yours for your supper or having others steal what little you have with no recourse. Kicking people out and moving them along solves nothing. [WISN]

via WISN

Political Discussion welcome.

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