Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Politics Corner May 22


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

I'm feeling better today but I'm posting even earlier than yesterday because I've got a memorial to attend. This one involves breaking one of my big rules. It's in a bar and I don't go into bars anymore. Well, I'll go to Handlebars with my mom and her guy but's in Apache Junction on the other side of the continent and the main attraction is the burgers despite their impressive collection of beers. But I can't skip this memorial. She used to cut my hair but that doesn't begin to describe it. I found it all but impossible to introduce her to people because before I could finish they were saying "oh hi Lisa! It's been ages!" She knew everyone that I knew before I did. No wonder that I liked her.

So I don't have any news yet today. I could dig up news from Gaza but suffice it to say that everyone is behaving stupidly and mad at everyone else with the end result that people will continue to die

Political Discussion welcome.

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