Monday, May 13, 2024

Politics Corner May 13


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

Israel is crushing Gaza from the north and the south. [Reuters]

via Reuters

Michael Cohen was as damaging to Trump as expected. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

The Wisconsin Supremes are likely to allow absentee voting boxes again. The previous, conservative justices banned most of them in a Trumpist spasm. They are also releasing less decisions than their predecessors. I think that it's because they think about what they are doing rather than following the Republican Party line. [NBC] [Wisconsin Watch]

via NBC

One more thing to worry about if you're LGBTQetc. It's not just drag queen story hour anymore. Now we've got to worry about foreign terrorists. Personally I think the Kansas Krazies that show up are more foreign than anything from Isis.

via ABC

Political Discussion welcome.

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