Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Politics Corner


photo mine (beware of Harlan)

The big story of course is how Republicans in both Houses of Congress fell apart in fealty to Donald Trump. The Senate Republicans were handed a gift wrapped package of everything that they asked for and then were told that they had to kill the bill to save Trump's campaign. Same business in the House with the addition of a failed impeachment. Now it's likely that we'll get the same bill minus everything that Republicans wanted.

But I've been talking about that all day and I'm shit out of schadenfreude. So let's look at Gaza. “We are on the way to an absolute victory,” Netanyahu said. “There is no other solution.” That was Bibi's response to the peace plan worked on by Israel, Hamas, the US and Qatar. 27,000 dead and counting. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Tucker Carlson was always going to interview Vlad Putin; He's been a consistent Russian suck up. Does it bother Tuck that Vlad kills journalists? Of course not. Carlson is not a journalist. [Forbes]

via Forbes

Speaking of Russia, Soldiers there are now required to serve until the end of the war which many never end. [Business Insidrer]

via Business Insider

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers does not believe the gerrymandered legislature will pass any of Evers' maps. He's fine with that. Then the maps will return to the Wisco Supremes who already rejected the GOP attempts as gerrymandered. They've appointed two non-partisan experts to draw maps if needed. [Associated Press]

via Associated Press

Finally a Pope that gets it.

“Nobody gets scandalized if I give my blessings to a businessman who perhaps exploits people, and this is a very grave sin. But they get scandalized if I give them to a homosexual,” Francis told Italian Catholic magazine Credere.

“This is hypocrisy,” he said. [NBC]

via NBC

Political Discussion welcome.

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